Opening Hours : Mon to Sat - 9am to 6pm
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Srijan Fertility Clinic is Bihar’s first dedicated and comprehensive fertility clinic.It gives these facilities at an affordable price with International standards. It is amongst the busiest IVF clinic of India doing more than 800 IVF Cycles and 40,000 IUI Cycles per year with very good success rate.It has a well-equipped Lab which a boasts of 2 Embryoscope (a time-lapse picture, system integrated with Triple gas incubator), 6 Co2 incubators.

Stereo zoom microscope with HD digital recording and transmission. The lab also has two micromanipulators equipped with LASER hatching System, IMSI and spindle view.We also have a very successfully running Sperm, Egg and embryo freezing programmes. The lab is now also equipped with SQA vision which has the capability for assessing both sperm vitality and conducting full differential morphology of sperm.

This is an intuitive tool for fertility screening (Fresh, washed, Frozen or post washed samples).Srijan also has 2 VIDAS BLUE system and Beckman Coulter (ACCESS 2) Which provides an extensive tool for precise and quick endocrinological assessment; of both male and female partner.

Srijan caters to patients of all socio-economic classes and has a team of 6 full-time postgraduate gynaecologists with vast experience.Centre has high-end ultrasound system and 2 HD systems for the laparoscope and Hysteroscopy. Counselling of patients is done in a very homely and friendly atmosphere.

Quality control of lab is done by external agencies to keep the lab in excellent conditions. For andrology, apart from Olympus, light microscope we also have state of ART-SQA- a vision for advance semen analysis.It is also capable of doing the Sperm DNA fragmentation Test. Srijan is also involved in imparting training to Gynaecologists with short and long courses approved by FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India) and ICOG(Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology).

The Centre is also accredited by ISAR (Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction)

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